It’s the AI apocalypse…

…and security construct JAC.AL just wants the squad to install a software update...

JAC.AL is live on BackerKit! Come for the swag, stay for the free audiobook. Maybe even enjoy a new Discord server?

Coray Seifert Coray Seifert


It’s the AI apocalypse…

…and security construct JAC.AL just wants the squad to install a software update...

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Coray Seifert Coray Seifert

The Lost Construct

I’m starting to shop around a new title called The Lost Construct. It’s a novel set in a new science fiction universe called The Spiral Frontier. I’m looking for agents and I’m hoping to have some exciting news to share soon!

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Coray Seifert Coray Seifert

Pandemic in a Pandemic

When I started the book in November 2019, the pandemic I dreamed up was little more than a plot device to get the characters into an apocalypse and give them a reason to go find a cure and save the world. I had no idea that a month later, we would experience the first global pandemic in a century.

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